Participation in the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) Infrasound Technology Workshop 

From November 4 to 8, 2024, project associates on the CROSSNET project Valentina Gašo, Viktorija Milec and Anamarija Tremljan Milun participated in the Infrasound Technology Workshop in Vienna as part of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization. (Source) The workshop’s purpose was to create an international forum for the presentation and discussion of the …

Field measurements of microseismic noise in the southern part of the Republic of Croatia

On Sunday, May 26th, 2024, part of the associates of the CROSSNET project departed towards the south of the Republic of Croatia to perform field measurements of microseismic noise in order to find the locations for future seismological stations. The locations chosen for the measurements were on the Pelješac peninsula, and on the islands of Korčula …

Dan i noć na PMF-u

Manifestation “Dan i noć na PMF-u” has been held since 2016, and was created by connecting the units that were independently and traditionally held at all seven departments of the PMF: Biology Night, Physics Today, Geophysics Live, Geography Open Day, Open Day geology, Open day of chemistry and Open day of mathematics (Day and night …

Participation in the round table on the topic “Earthquakes in Northern Croatia”

On Tuesday, April 16, 2024, the Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering, as part of the research project of the Croatian Science Foundation “Amplification of seismic ground motion caused by topographic effects in Northern Croatia – SIGMATOPCRO”, organized a round table on the topic “Earthquakes in Northern Croatia”. The Round Table aims to contribute to social and …

The Republic of Croatia became a full member of EPOS ERIC

The European Plate Observing System (EPOS) is a multidisciplinary and distributed European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC), whose long-term goal is to enable and advance the integrated use of data, data products and equipment serving the scientific community engaged in the study Countries in Europe. (Source) At the EPOS ERIC General Assembly held in Rome on …

Participating in the International Training Course on Seismology in Podgorica

From October 9 to 11, 2023, project associates Anamarija Tremljan and Marko Kapelj participated in the seismological workshop EPOS „Next-Generation Open Seismological Data Sharing for Science and Society“. The workshop, which was attended by about 100 participants, marks a milestone in the coordination and expansion of seismological services at the European level within the EPOS …

Participation in the expert meeting „Reducing vulnerability in disasters in the area of ​​Sisak-Moslavina County“

On the occasion of the International Disaster Risk Reduction Day, which is commemorated on October 13, an expert meeting „Reducing vulnerability to disasters in the area of ​​Sisak-Moslavina County“ was held in Sisak on Thursday, October 12, 2023, organized by the Regional Office of Civil Protection Zagreb, Civil Protection Directorates and Civil Protection Headquarters of …

Education about OBS devices (Ocean Bottom Seismometers)

On Wednesday, September 13 and Thursday, September 14, 2023, Mr. Arne Schwenk, technical director of K.U.M. Environmental- and Marine Technology GmbH held a course about OBS devices (Ocean Bottom Seismometers) for employees of the Seismological Service. As part of the CROSSNET project, 10 OBS devices (model NAMMU) were acquired, which will be placed on the …

Participating in GDi Solutions Day 2023

On Thursday, September 7, 2023, the GDi Solutions Day conference was held at the Hilton Garden Inn hotel. In the “Mapping and Security” session CROSSNET project manager Tomislav Fiket presented ESRI solutions that we use every day. We use ArcGIS Survey123 for the inventory of tools and equipment of the Seismological Service, ArcGIS Field Maps …

Participation in the IUGG conference in Berlin

From July 11 to 18, 2023, we participated in the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) conference in Berlin, which brings together scientists from all over the world in the field of geodesy and geophysics. The described method was used to estimate the microseismic disturbance in the area of ​​Zadar County for the purpose …